Analytics - Added a new tab that allows you to compare up to 2 sensors between multiple devices (max. 50 devices). Learn more about the Analytics tab here.
Consumption widget improvement - "Energy consumption" widget has been changed to "Consumption" widget that now allows you to select either volume or energy.
User access expiration date - Added the option to give a guest or user access to your system for a limited time. This date can be selected when creating a new user or guest or when editing an existing one.
Devices map status improvement - Improved the way the device statuses are shown on the map and legend.
Areas & shared time schedule mobile version - Areas and shared time schedules are now accessible on the mobile version (PWA) of Leanheat Monitor.
Limited user changes - Limited users can't access the "Admin" tab anymore which also removes the option to add or remove devices from the system.
Heat curve setting change - Added "Desired room temperature" value to the heat curve setting.
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